Frequently Asked Questions
All your questions answered.
How many days a week is school open for?
We are open 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) from 8:15 am to 5:30 pm.
How many teachers are working with JK/SK group?
There are 4 teachers working with JK/SK group at the moment.
Do you follow Ontario curriculum?
Our curriculum follows TDSB and Ministry of Education regulations.
What languages are taught at the school?
There are 3 languages being taught: English, French and Russian.
What is the monthly tuition for the year 2025/26?
Tuition starts from $1,800 per month for the school year 2025/26.
Do you have physical education classes?
P.E. classes are held 3 times a week both inside and outside.
Didn’t find an answer?
Ask us any questions and we’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours.